- Reservations: +421 43 4913 000, rezervacie@therme.sk
- Procedures: +421 43 4913 430, balneo@therme.sk
- Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 16:30
Alena Spišiaková
Manager of balneotherapy
+421-43-4913 356, +421 915 852 125, spisiakova@therme.sk
Ján Gregor
Head of physiotherapy
Ivana Hromadová
Head of hospital attendants
Spa & Aquapark Manager
Ing. Andrej Petráš
Sales Director
+421-43-4913 864, +421 915 848 262, petras@therme.sk
Denisa Froľová
Business assistant
+421 43 4913 863, frolova@therme.sk
Dominika Miazdrova
sales manager
+421 43 4913 861, +421 905 226 061, miazdrova@therme.sk
Lucia Honesová
sales manager
+421 43 4913 376, honesova@therme.sk
Mgr. Pavol Dula
sales manager
+421 43 4913 867, dula@therme.sk
Michal Čavrnoch
Sales manager
+421 43 4913 865, cavrnoch@therme.sk
Ing. Zuzana Hrušková
Business manager
+421-43-4913860, +421 915 997 895, hruskovazuzana@therme.sk
Ing. Anzhela Havryliuk
Business manager
+421 43 4913 862, havryliuk@therme.sk
Táňa Babišová
Technical officer for health insurance companies
+421 43 4913 363, babisova@therme.sk
Ing. Kristína Gajdošová
specialist officer for health insurance companies
Ing. Marián Filip
Technical director
+421 905 945 501, filip@therme.sk
Ing. Mária Simonidesová
Director of capital construction and administration of estates
+421-43-4913 444, +421 907 774 681, simonidesova@therme.sk
Adriana Ivádyová
Operating director
+421-43-4913 388, +421 905 169 370, ivadyova@therme.sk
Mgr. Erika Chalupková
Economic director
+421 915 848 259, chalupkova@therme.sk
Ing. Janka Šamajová
Human resources manager
+421-43-4913 877, +421 918 249 008, samajova@therme.sk